jueves, 26 de octubre de 2017

My new lesson

The control reversal:

Is an advers effect on the controllability of aircraft when the flight controls reverse themselves  in a way that is not intuitive.
This problem occurs at high speeds when the airflow over the wing becomes so great that the force generated by the ailerons is enough to twist the wing. For example the aileron is deflected up for make the wing move down, the wing twists in the opposite direction, the airflow goes directed down it and the wing moves upward.

jueves, 19 de octubre de 2017

A day in Globalia!!


To reach Globalia you have to take the Ma-19 motorway and take exit number 22 towards Son Noguera, after turn right for entry at enclosure. Our building, marked in orange, is dedicated to formation.


This is the hall, up there are the teoric classrooms, where we spent the first 4 hours everyday.

Upstairs we find the rest area on the right hand and the offices of the instructors on the left hand. On the board hang the marks.

If we continue straight we will arrive to our classrooms, to the left hand the 1st course and after at right hand the 2nd course.

Then we spent the last three hours in the workshop on the ground floor. The workshop is divided into : workshop area, library, tools zone, engines and outsite.